Micro-scale reaction processes in metamorphic rocks
Metamorphic rocks undergo a sequence of metamorphic reactions that are recorded in mineral compositions and microstructures. The history contained in these minerals can provide insights into the changes in pressure, temperature, and bulk rock composition that have affected rocks over time.
I use a variety of techniques to examine minerals and decipher their reaction history, including petrographic microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), wavelength- and energy-dispersive spectroscopy (WDS and EDS), cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging, and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS).
Cathodoluminescence (CL) image of kyanite internal structures (top); growth history interpretation (bottom)
Processes affecting granitoid composition from source to sink
I study how chemical compositions evolve in magmas from their genesis to final emplacement as plutons in the crust. Many felsic magmas originate from partial melting of crustal rocks that have experienced high-grade metamorphism. I examine crustal source rocks and granitoids in the field and microscope and use thermodynamic modelling coupled with trace element partitioning to model melt and mineral compositions.
My main focus has been tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) magmas, which formed in the Archean Eon by partial melting of primitive crust. Variations in chemical compositions of TTGs have been used to make interpretations about the processes that generated them, leading to inferences of tectonic regimes operating on early Earth.
Models of crystal accumulation and fractionation in Archean granitoid magmas
Tectonic, magmatic, and metamorphic evolution of Earth’s continental crust
The continents as we know them today have evolved over millions or even billions of years. Evidence of tectonic processes such as subduction, continent collision, and rifting is preserved in the rocks, and I use my expertise in petrology to decode the history contained in metamorphic and igneous rocks.
This work involves a combination of field work, petrography, chemical analysis (major and trace elements, geochronology), and modelling to obtain a multifaceted picture of the evolution of a rock within its geological context.
Photo of metabasite showing evidence of partial melting (top); connecting granitoids to metabasite sources using Hf isotopes (bottom)
Geochemical cycling recorded in the rock record
Coming soon!
Schematic diagram showing boron isotopes partitioning among different phases at different temperatures